The next spring Gary told me we were going to Hakai Pass....where the heck is that? That summer we made it north through the Strait of Georgia, up Johnstone Strait and across Queen Charlotte Strait, rounding Cape Caution and heading north into Fitzhugh Sound and Hakai Pass (Pruth Bay). We were so proud of ourselves! Nice trip, no horror stories and home safely.
The next year we did the Vancouver Island 360 and were even more proud. Our confidence was building with each trip and adventure. The following year to took aim at Alaska and made it ....just as far as Ketchikan and the Misty Fjords. Just far enough to get us hooked! The next year we went back and travelled SE Alaska in all its grandeur.
In total we have taken 5 trips to Alaska and 6 around Vanvouver Island, each trip revealing something new and wonderful.
And this year will be our 6th Alaska voyage, our first in our new boat, Magic. Getting excited.
Baranof Island, AK |
Warm Springs, Baranof Island, AK |
Point Retreat Lighthouse, just northwest of Juneau. |
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